Market Research

market research From concept to launch Market research has to be one of the single most valuable resources we have available to us as Marketeers. The beauty of the Internet is nearly every interaction with every keyword, ad copy, click through and sale is recorded in real time and if you know how to get access to this information and you have the analytical mind to put the pieces together you can be sure you are not going into as market with a non responsive web presence.

Know Your Market – Market Research

From our very first phone consultation with you, your Online innovation strategist will be looking deep into Google’s massive pool of available data to pick out your market and segment it as best they can. If you decide to work with online innovation we work tirelessly using innovative software looking through thousands of keywords to find Industries with market penetration capabilities.

In its simplest form assessing if a market is responsive online can be done by simply Googleing an industry term, if you see paid ads you can bet that business owner isn’t spending money on advertising that doesn’t produce income. If they were well they wouldn’t be in business for very long.

Taking the time to establish a core target market prior to entering a new industry can really accelerate business growth potential. We have worked with hundreds of business over the years constantly researching and sourcing new areas to expand with their current market.

What can Internet Marketing research do for my business in 2015?

  • Establish viable market numbers for realistic financial growth forecasting
  • Compare Sales against available Market to define Your companies market penetration percentage.
  • Identify additional products and services to grow revenue streams
  • Avoid wasted Marketing budgets chasing non responsive customers

With any services offered by Online Innovation we will recommend and incorporate into our Initial proposal Market research that can define the direction of any work to be completed. This is not limited to SEO and Adwords campaigns, we recommend establishing your “Perfect Client” very early on as this will often set the tone for your whole online presence.

Using your new Market research and a good documented ideal target customer we can confidently make recommendations based on what is working in today market. We are confident in our recommendation because we work with a wide variety of Industries.


Every Click is a potential customer ... Start Tracking , Monitoring and Responding to Your Customers Today

An effective Internet Marketing campaign will increase exposure of your business to more customers. FY2013-14 saw a $45BN productivity boost thanks to digital Marketing No Other Marketing medium can drive hungry eager customers like The Internet Can!
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